Ribbon schematic of ribonuclease A (PDB file 7RSA) with beta-strands as teal arrows, helix as gold spiral ribbons, and loops as thickened single splines in white. Ribbon calculated by Prekin, displayed in Mage, and written out with a really inspired bug in the postscript output that produces back and forth swishes on the ribbons.
Prealbumin (=transthyretin) with beta strands as arrows and the two subunits of the dimer in slightly different colors. Hand drawn by Jane Richardson (from PDB file 2pab); later redrawn in Adobe Illustrator.
Ribbon schematic of transforming growth factor beta (PDB file 2tgi), with beta strands as blue arrows, helices as cyan spirals, and SS bonds in yellow. Ribbon calculated in Prekin, displayed in Mage, and written out as an "r3d" file for rendering by the Raster 3D program. (Merritt & Bacon (1997), Methods Enzymol. 277, 505-525).
Small-probe contact dots for two contacting Met sidechains in squash trypsin inhibitor (PDB file 1mctI), before (left) and after (right) rotating the terminal methyls. H atoms added by Reduce; rotations, dot calculations, and display done in the interactive Mage-Probe system.
Structural schematic of charybdotoxin (PDB file 2crd) with tubular bonds and helix cylinder; the SS beta-cross motif (see ProTour4.kin) is highlighted in orange. Image made with the VIEW exploratory molecular visualization system (Bergman et al (1993) Comput. Graphics 27: 117-126).
Ribbon schematic of the 16-stranded up & down ß barrel of the membrane-spanning porin subunit (PDB file 2OMF). ß strands are colored in harpin pairs from blue (N-terminus) through the spectrum to purple (C-terminus).
Ribbon schematic of the "globin fold" all-helical structure of myoglobin (PDB file 2MBD), with heme and His Fe ligands. The 8 helices are labeled A-H, with A-D in orange, E-F in green, and G-H in blue.
Ribbon schematic of the "ß trefoil" structure of ricin B chain, domain 2 (PDB file 2AAI). The three similar sections of ß sheet are green, turquoise, and blue.
45,000 high-resolution data points in the helix region of phi, psi space (from the "top 500" structures). Colored by B-factor; none > 30.