Screen shot of Mage


Mage is a 3D vector display program which shows "kinemage" graphics. Used in both teaching and research, in applications ranging from estuary ecology to X-ray crystallography model quality assessments, Mage displays the 3D relationships between data in an interactive environment which facilitates both open-ended exploration and structured presentation. It includes many tools for on-screen measurement, construction, and editing of the display objects; it can write either kinemage output or various types of 2D image output.

Mage is available for several popular platforms. Pre-compiled executables or source code are available from the table below. To download: click the “Mage” name for the appropriate table-row.

The windows download is as the exe (not compressed, or otherwise protected), because we still encounter some Windows systems without a default compression/archival utility such as WinZIP. If you intend to use Mage's updating of contact-dots, you'll also need the Prekin and Probe programs. See our installation and use instructions for more detail. Further explanation of Windows-related use and installation is given in these notes from last semester.